Soulful Book Help

In my own writing, I try to get vulnerable and real. And I believe human beings come alive when they can let down their guard and write their truth. I can help you do that.

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Why work with me: 

Skill - I have co-written four non-fiction books. I served as project manager and lead writer or co-lead writer on each. My books have earned awards and served as the foundation for speaking appearances and Op-Eds in major publications including USA Today, The Seattle Times and the San Diego Union-Tribune

My expertise in book publishing extends to the business side. Since 2018, I have been a member of the Board of Directors of Berrett-Koehler Publishers, a leading independent publisher of business, personal development and societal trend books.

Success - Four of the five book proposals I spearheaded were accepted by publishers. That 80 percent success rate compares to an industry average closer to 1 percent.  A Great Place to Work For All, which I co-wrote in 2018, has sold roughly 20,000 copies, making it a strong performer for Berrett-Koehler Publishers. 

Soulfulness - I am drawn to work with people called to tell a story. If you’re willing to go deep and speak from your soul, I will go there with you and help you shape your story. 

Soulful Coaching

You write the book you’re called to write, with my help.

  • Your Book’s Elevator Pitch

  • Title options

  • Chapter Outline of 800-1,000 words

  • Weekly, 60-min. Coaching Calls

    • Exploration--You discover the deep “why,” the “how” and the “what” of your book

    • Editorial Feedback--You get professional, high-level feedback on the content and craft of your chapters and book

    • Empathetic Accountability--You get the encouragement critical to quieting your inner critic. Plus you get “benevolent nagging,” where I’m equal parts cheerleader and task-master.

  • Regular availability via text and email for support and questions

Term: 1 year
Price: $50,000

Soulful Ghostwriting

If you need help getting your book all the way across the finish line, I will complete it for you, with you. 

  • Twice-monthly check-in calls to review chapter drafts

  • A polished manuscript of 40,000-45,000 words

  • A world-class book proposal 

  • Pitches sent to a minimum 5 agents and/or publishers

Term: 6 months
Price: $50,000